Abudant Annual Vegetable Workshop

Abundant Annual Vegetable Workshop

Join us at the Bountiful Acre market garden in Saxapahaw as we go deep on the 7 keys to productive, regenerative, and rewarding annual vegetable gardening in the Piedmont! 

Participants will explore with us in depth: 

  • New regenerative garden soil ecology 101, 

  • Remineralization and balancing soil nutrients effectively, 

  • Compost and vermicompost systems, 

  • Biointensive vegetable bed preparation,

  • Easy foliar sprays for healthy crops and flowers, 

  • Cover crops and annual flowers for weed control, beneficial insects, and self-renewing soil fertility, 

  • The value of pollinator gardens and other polycultures to garden health.  

Enjoy an early spring day in the countryside in a beautiful garden setting, and gain valuable insights, skills, and techniques for the upcoming spring and summer gardening season with us. For both beginner and experienced gardeners.

What: Vegetable Garden Workshop

Where: 7034 Whitney Road, Graham, NC 

When: 10:00am-1:00pm

Suggested Donation: $60 (no one turned away)

Workshop Policies

We offer workshops mainly as a way of giving back, providing opportunities for people that may not be able to afford our services but want to learn, grow, and meet like-minded people. Suggested donations are just that: a suggestion of what the raw costs are for us to cover our time setting up the workshops, pay teachers we collaborate with, and pay ourselves for our time teaching. If you feel it’s worth more, we welcome higher donations! If you cannot afford the suggested donation, no sweat, give what you can. It all evens out if we remain honest.